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Integrated Methodology for Technology Transfer and Exploitation – KINNISIS

KiNNO Consultants Ltd. - Knowledge and Innovation Intermediaries

Αγορά, Καινοτομία Προϊόντος, Παραγωγική Διαδικασία, Πρώτης Ύλης, Υπηρεσίες, Υγεία, Ενέργεια, Περιβάλλον, Πληροφορική - E-Business

The services of KiNNO Consultants Ltd. offer a powerful toolkit to fulfill the needs of all players in the area of technology production, technology transfer and commercialization to exploit their research results (license out), as well as of industry players seeking to acquire and deploy new technologies.

State-of-the-art Protein Docking Prediction Tool

European Centre of Excellence in Media Computing and Communication

Παραγωγική Διαδικασία, Υπηρεσίες, Υγεία

The proposed protein docking tool is able to predict the final complex, which is produced by the interaction between two proteins. More specifically, it accurately predicts the translation and rotation (pose) of one protein (ligand) with respect to another protein (receptor) in order to produce a stable complex. The tool computes the molecular surfaces of the interacting proteins and then compares these surfaces in terms of geometric complementarity. The method outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches.

Enhanced Protein Classification Based on Geometric Similarity

European Centre of Excellence in Media Computing and Communication

Παραγωγική Διαδικασία, Υπηρεσίες, Υγεία

The proposed protein classification tool is able to classify a protein based only on the geometric similarity of the protein’s 3D structure. It is based on the concept that proteins that have similar 3D structure (i.e. similar geometric shape) will also have similar functions, i.e. they will belong to the same category. The tool achieves high classification accuracy in a benchmark database of known protein structures.