Mobics Ltd
Καινοτομία Προϊόντος, Γεωργία - Κτηνοτροφία, Περιβάλλον, Πληροφορική - E-Business, Ηλεκτρονική Διακυβέρνηση
The i-Citi platform makes use of three basic innovations in order to provide improved facilities management:
- Exploitation, in a large scale, of sensor data collected from citizen mobile devices or other infrastructure
- Algorithms which aggregate the raw sensor information as well as contextual data, to provide high-level interpretations of events as well as make predictions based on historic data
- Modern, engaging, high quality game-like user interfaces for end users (both mobile and Web-based)
- Improved unification and increased coherence between diverse areas, at the level of both user interface and data exchange (e.g., GIS systems)
- It can be interfaced with the Mobics Sentixi system, which is a general purpose sensor fusion engine.